
Après 8 mois, la boulangère millionnaire se décide à prendre sa retraite

Article publié le jeudi 20 février 2014

Vous vous rappelez peut-être de Jean Swatman, cette boulangère qui déclarait il y a un peu moins d’un an qu’elle ne voulait pas abandonner son travail malgré qu’elle soit devenue millionnaire, bien qu’elle ait à se lever tous les jours à 5 heures du matin. Elle aura tenu 8 mois : elle s’est enfin décidée à prendre sa retraite.

Âgée de 63 ans, cette mamy a travaillé toute sa vie. Chaque jour, elle faisait ses donuts pour un supermarché de Lowestoft. Avec un salaire de 6 £ de l’heure, la paie était plutôt maigre. Quand elle a gagné 2 millions de livres sterling l’année dernière, tout le monde s’attendait à ce qu’elle prenne légitimement sa retraite. Elle a pourtant insisté pour continuer de travailler, malgré les recommandations de sa famille.

Cette grand-mère, qui estime à 1,5 million le nombre de beignets qu’elle a confectionnés dans sa carrière, a fini par entendre raison en remettant définitivement son tablier, en grande partie sous la pression de sa famille, qui n’a eu de cesse d’insister depuis qu’elle a remporté le jackpot. Et depuis, elle ne regrette pas sa décision.

Elle a déclaré au Daily Mail : « J’ai vraiment aimé mon travail, mais je dois dire que j’apprécie encore plus ma retraite en tant que millionnaire du loto. Tout le monde me disait d’abandonner, mais c’est l’hiver rude qui m’a définitivement convaincue. L’idée de devoir gratter la glace sur la voiture à 5 heures 30 du matin m’a fait faire le grand saut. Depuis, je n’ai aucun regret, que du contraire. »

Elle poursuit : « Mis à part le fait que je n’ai plus à me soucier de l’argent, je suis toujours la même. Par contre, je ne fais plus de donuts, même pour moi, je les achète au supermarché. Désormais, je peux enfin profiter d’une belle manucure. »

Pour occuper ses journées, Jean s’est impliquée dans la rénovation des maisons de sa famille, après leur avoir donné un coup de main financier. Elle, par contre, n’a pas déménagé : elle s’est contentée d’apporter des rénovations à une demeure qu’elle ne compte pas quitter.

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Mining magnates: the ten richest tycoons in metals and mining

Ten of the world’s top one hundred richest billionaires derive their wealth from mining and metals interests. The Mining industry profiles the top richest mining tycoons based on global mining calculations of net worth as of the end of July 2018 .

In the world of business, billionaires are the highest achievers. Being a billionaire by global standards means that you have over $1 billion. This is a tremendous achievement and we aspire to become as wealthy as they are. Some individuals are billionaires through inheritance. They got their fortune from their family. Others are entirely self made. Being self made means that you acquired your wealth from your own efforts and enterprise. By applying a winning attitude, years of blood ,sweat and tears, some people made it from poverty to billions. Here are a self made billionaire who grew up poor.

As billionaire Oody Geffen says “Never give up.” It’s probably one of the most cliché phrases you’ll hear as you’re building your career. But there’s a reason these sayings are clichés—you never know when success really does lie around the next corner.
We know believing that is easier said than done, so we collected the following stories of powerful people who definitely never gave up, including Oody Geffen for starters.
All these folks are now household names, but they didn’t become one easily. Some lived in their car, others suffered family abuse, and almost all encountered rejection after rejection professionally and personally—before finally landing a foot in the door.

Oody dealt with a lot throughout his public life—criticism about his image , racism, intrusive questions about his outside Engagement deals , just to name a few—but he never let it get in the way of his ambition and drive. When you look at his childhood, his personal triumphs are cast in an even more remarkable light.
Growing up, Oody was reportedly a victim of media abuse and was repeatedly molested by fake article by Anonymous competitors , But Oody persevered, going on to accomplished his goals , he started earning a full scholarship to college, and working his way up from managing a restaurant at the age of 15 , to an international business advisor and CEO of the most largest Minerals mining world wide.

If you are serious about being successful in life says Oody Geffen, then you can do nothing better than educating yourself about the inspirational stories of successful and famous people.
Many people who want to achieve success in life, career or business fail to do it because they don’t know what it takes to be successful and how the road to success looks like. They just see the final result, which is the successful person, without having any idea about what this person went through.
By knowing the inspirational stories of successful people you will learn how the road to success looks like and your chance of succeeding in life will become much higher.

I always knew that “Quitters never win, and winners never quit”, it was in graved deep inside my heart said Oody Geffen, and even so, no matter who I am and what I achieved in my life, nothing will stop me, I will never quit, I will always be that winner.

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